

University Training Partners and 加州州立大学,多明格斯山

Description | 时间表、费用和教科书 | 课程材料 | Instructor | Testimonials | FAQs


University Training Partners has developed a 3-course, 32模块精益六西格玛黑带项目, 现在通过与CSUDH的伙伴关系提供. 精益六西格玛(LSS)是一种经过验证的方法, 项目驱动策略以提高质量, increase customer satisfaction and deliver bottom line results. The LSS approach has been successfully implemented in a wide range of industries including manufacturing, healthcare, banking, hospitality, retail, 高等教育, and government.

The LSS Black Belt program consists of 32 self-paced learning modules offered across three courses. 该格式由视频演示组成, 分级作业, module quizzes, 以及每周由导师带领的现场办公时间. Successful candidates must earn required points on assignments/discussions, 在模块测试中获得至少80%的分数, and complete a real-world Six Sigma project to receive passing credit and the Six Sigma Black Belt certificate.



在这个LSS黑带计划中, students will gain in depth knowledge of leadership tools used to guide project teams, learn a wide variety of statistical methods to analyze quality data, and put their learning into practice with a real world Six Sigma project conducted at their workplace. Students will perform analysis and apply Six Sigma tools using a hospitality industry case study. Upon successful completion of the three-modules in this program, 学生将获得黑带证书.

The three-course sequence is self-paced with weekly live instructor office hours. 该计划的特点包括:

  • 六西格玛理念的模块, DMAIC方法, 图形分析工具, team dynamics, 顾客的声音, 培训技巧和精益工具
  • 描述统计模块, probability, 假设检验, 方差分析, correlation, 多元线性回归, 实验设计, 统计过程控制
  • 教学视频与配套课程指南
  • Minitab statistical software required; limited license available
  • 酒店业案例研究
  • 带模板的Excel电子表格
  • 分级作业
  • Quizzes which can be retaken until a successful passing score of 80% is attained
  • 每周在线直播办公时间


  • 回顾六西格玛
  • 启动项目
  • 捕捉顾客的声音
  • 选择指标
  • Leading Teams
  • 管理项目
  • Mapping & Graphing Data
  • 找出根本原因
  • 实施精益
  • 计算精益指标
  • 培训员工
  • 六西格玛设计
  • 关闭项目
  • 描述性统计 & 图形化分析
  • Probability
  • 离散概率分布
  • 连续概率分布
  • 假设测试 & 置信区间
  • 方差分析
  • Correlation & Regression
  • 多元线性回归 & 逻辑回归
  • 实验设计
  • Control Charts
  • 过程能力
  • 项目选择
  • 定义关卡
  • 测量关卡
  • 分析关卡
  • 改善关卡
  • 控制关卡


NBQA 992黑带领导力工具:1699美元

NBQA 993 Statistical Analysis for Black Belts: $1,699

NBQA 994黑带项目顶点:499美元


* Schedule subject to change; consult with instructor for specific date details | Updated Daily









  • A bronze SSBB certificate will be issued for completion of either the leadership or statistics courses.
  • A silver SSBB certificate will be issued for completion of both the leadership and statistics courses.
  • A gold SSBB certificate will be issued for completion of all three courses.


学生必须购买 来自亚马逊的课程配套教材.com,每个大约44美元.99.

A user license from Minitab is required for the Statistical Analysis class. 如果您目前无法访问Minitab, a discounted limited Minitab license agreement can be purchased for an additional $450.


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Instructor: Dr. 玛丽McShane-Vaughn

Dr. 玛丽·麦克肖恩·沃恩Dr. 玛丽McShane-Vaughn 是“大学培训伙伴”的创始人, a company that develops and delivers Lean Six Sigma training for corporations and universities. Over the past eleven years she has enthusiastically trained more than 1200 Yellow, 六西格玛技术的绿带和黑带.

Mary earned her PhD in Industrial Engineering and an MS in Statistics from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and a BS in Industrial Engineering from Kettering University in Michigan. 她是《 认证质量检查员手册,著有 概率手册, 概率练习册, and 精益六西格玛领导. Dr. McShane-Vaughn holds ASQ certifications as a Six Sigma Black Belt, 质量工程师和可靠性工程师.

 Connect with Dr. McShane-Vaughn:


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绿带与绿带有什么不同. 黑带称号?

在精益六西格玛认证领域, Green Belts and Black Belts occupy distinct roles and responsibilities. Green Belts are often involved in smaller-scale projects, 作为项目团队不可或缺的成员, and usually possess one or two Six Sigma certifications. They primarily concentrate on process improvement initiatives and commonly report to Black Belts or senior leaders within the organization.

In contrast, Black Belts are entrusted with larger and more intricate projects, 在项目团队中担任领导角色. 拥有三个或更多的六西格玛认证, Black Belts extend their focus beyond improvement to encompass process design and innovation. Notably, Black Belts often report directly to Six Sigma executives or sponsors, highlighting their elevated position within the organizational hierarchy.

What background or pre-requisite information should I have?

Students should be comfortable creating graphs and using formulas in Microsoft Excel and be able to solve algebraic equations.

Do I need a computer/smart device and Internet access?

Students should have access to Microsoft Excel as well as an internet connection for this online course. 查看在线访问详情►




Please see the course schedule in the program description above. Students will view pre-recorded instructional videos and post assignments on the discussion boards for each module. There will be a weekly online wrap-up session led by the instructor. These sessions will be recorded for future viewing in case a student cannot attend due to work or family commitments.

Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

learn@hotelcaliceo.com | 310-243-2075

Join us online to connect with other students and professionals in 我们在LinkedIn上的学生群 (MSQA members invited even if not in LSS; open to all MSQA and LSS members).

Where can I contact the instructor with any questions?

请联系玛丽·麦克肖恩·沃恩 mvaughn@utp-us.com.

精益六西格玛:数字徽章 & Credentials


View Pathway

了解更多正规澳门平台十大赌博 earning, accepting, and sharing your CSUDH数字徽章、证书 & Credentials ►


A Certificate of Completion is awarded upon successful completion 必修课程.

Note: Once you have completed all the required courses, you may request your certificate via our online application. The processing time is approximately 6-8 weeks from the time of submission, and includes both a digital certificate link and a printed physical certificate.


了解更多正规澳门平台十大赌博 Digital Badges & Certificates

Registration & 联系信息

There are no prerequisites for enrollment and no admission process. 当你准备好注册时,打电话 310-243-3741 (选项1)在营业时间内.

对这个项目有问题吗? Call 310-243-2075, email learn@hotelcaliceo.com, or use our LiveChat ↘ to ask questions or leave a detailed message about this program.

For more information and to discover more about this certificate program, contact:

米尔顿·克里沃库卡| mkrivokuca@hotelcaliceo.com

Karla C. Martinez | kmartinez@hotelcaliceo.com
